How Much Water Does A Humidifier Use (You Might Be Surprised)

  • By: madison
  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 7 min.

If you’re considering a humidifier for your home, you might wonder how much water they use. After all, no one wants to waste water, especially if they live in an area with water shortages.

The good news is that humidifiers don’t use much water. Most home humidifiers only use about 1-5 gallons of water daily. That’s less than many people use when taking a shower.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some larger commercial humidifiers can use more water, but for the most part, they are still quite efficient.

So if you’re worried about how much water a humidifier will use, rest assured that it won’t be very much. And if you want to learn more about humidifiers and how they work.

Key Takeaway’s

  • A humidifier can use anywhere from 1 to 5 gallons of water per day.
  • The amount of water a humidifier uses depends on the size of the unit, the humidity level you set it at, and the ambient temperature and humidity in your home.
  • A whole-house humidifier is more efficient than a portable unit because it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the desired humidity level.
  • If you live in an area with high humidity, you may not need to use a humidifier at all.
  • Proper maintenance of your humidifier will help extend its lifespan and prevent mold and bacteria growth.
humidifier water chamber
How Much Water Does A Humidifier Use

Here’s The Answer To How Much Water Does A Humidifier Use

The amount of water a humidifier uses depends on many factors, including the size of your home, the humidity level you set, and how often the unit runs.

A typical whole-house humidifier can use up to 12 gallons of water daily. This can add up to an extra $20-$30 per month to your water bill. Hence it’s crucial to understand humidifier maintenance to reduce water usage appropriately.

  • The size of your home will affect how much water your humidifier uses. If you have a small home, you may only need a portable unit that can be placed on a table or shelf. These units typically use 1-2 gallons of water per day. You’ll need a whole-house humidifier installed as part of your HVAC system for larger homes. These units can use up to 12 gallons of water per day.
  • The humidity level you set will also affect how much water your humidifier uses. The higher the humidity setting, the more moisture will be added to the air, and the more often the unit will run. For example, if you set your humidistat to and it is currently 60% outside, your unit will run twice as often as if it were set to 45%.
  • Another factor that affects how much water your humidifier uses is how often it runs. Your unit will run more frequently if you reside in a region with high humidity than if you do in one with warmer weather.

The Amount Of Water A Humidifier Uses Depends On The Size And Type Of Humidifier

a women with feet on the humidifier
The Amount Of Water A Humidifier Uses Depends On The Size And Type Of Humidifier

Larger units will use more water than smaller ones, for example. Some types of humidifiers also use more water than others.

Humidifiers that have a cool mist output, for example, typically use more water than those that have warm mist outputs because they need to run longer to produce the same amount of moisture in the air.

Some Humidifiers Use As Little As 1 Gallon Of Water Per Day

The amount of water a humidifier uses depends on the size and type of humidifier.

  • Large room humidifiers use up to 12 gallons per day
  • Small room humidifiers use 1 to 2 gallons per day

It’s important to note that some studies have shown that larger humidifiers are often more efficient at increasing air moisture than smaller ones because they can distribute humidity across a larger area.

However, using less water is always good for the environment.

The Majority Of Humidifiers Use Between 1 And 5 Gallons Of Water Per Day

a woman happy with a humidifier
The Majority Of Humidifiers Use Between 1 And 5 Gallons Of Water Per Day

Most humidifiers use between 1 and 5 gallons of water per day. This may seem like a lot, but it’s important to remember that you’re getting more than just the humidity. You’re also getting the benefits of cleaner air and better sleep.

However, if you want to know how much your particular model uses, there are two ways to find out:

  • Check the manual
  • Look at reviews online

If You Are Using A Whole-House Humidifier, It Is Important To Have Your HVAC System Serviced Regularly

If you are using a whole-home humidifier, It’s crucial to maintain your HVAC system to ensure it’s running effectively and isn’t wasting too much water.

An air conditioner can be much more energy efficient when there is more humidity in the air. A properly functioning HVAC system will automatically reduce the amount of energy used for cooling when it senses high levels of humidity in the home.

When humidity levels are low, an HVAC unit may use as much as 40% more electricity than in their normal range, which will increase your monthly utility bills considerably.

A whole house humidifier uses less energy than two window-mounted models because it heats water directly instead of heating up ambient air (which cools down before being blown into rooms).

Consider installing one if you want to increase your HVAC system’s efficiency while keeping prices low.

Proper Maintenance Of Your Humidifier Will Ensure That It Uses Less Water

transparent humidifier unit
Proper Maintenance Of Your Humidifier Will Ensure That It Uses Less Water

The best thing you can do to ensure that your humidifier uses as little water as possible is to clean it regularly and replace filters when needed.

It’s also important to keep an eye on the performance of your humidifier, especially if your local water supply contains a lot of mineral deposits.

If you notice that your humidifier is using a lot more water than usual, or if it isn’t operating properly, follow these steps:

  • Check the water source to ensure there isn’t a leak—If the humidifier uses more water than usual, there may be a leak in the water supply line or in a different component of the device.
  • Check for Mineral build-up Inside of your humidifier—this is often caused by hard water and may cause your humidifier to work harder to produce moisture when there isn’t anything to absorb into its system.
  • Clean out any clogs or filters; it may be time for new ones if you’ve had any issues recently with your machine not producing enough moisture (or overproducing)

Is It Better To Use A Humidifier With Or Without Water?

You can use a humidifier without water, but that doesn’t mean it’s better. Humidifiers that don’t have to be filled with water use less energy, but they’re also less efficient than those that do.

Because of this, these devices may run out of steam before you’re through with your day’s tasks or activities.

The big benefit of using a humidifier without water is portability—they’re much easier to move around and take on the go than their counterparts that require constant refills.

If you plan on taking your device anywhere from here to there (and back again), this type is probably for you.

The Dangers Of Not Using A Humidifier Correctly

a women frustrated in a black top
The Dangers Of Not Using A Humidifier Correctly

If you don’t use a humidifier, you might miss out on its many benefits. Some of those benefits include:

  • Preventing dry air from causing respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health risks.
  • Keeping furniture, electronics, and other household items from getting damaged by the dry air.

But there’s another reason to use your humidifier properly—it can also help prevent accidents.

Suppose you’re not careful about maintaining your humidifier or ensuring it doesn’t leak water into your home’s structure or onto sensitive surfaces like carpeting or hardwood floors. In that case, things could get very expensive very quickly.


A humidifier can be a great way to improve the air quality in your home, but you may be wondering how much water they use. The answer depends on the type of humidifier you have.

If you have a whole-house humidifier, it will use about 5 gallons of water per day. If you’re not careful, even if it may not seem like much, this can increase over time. Make sure to check the level of your humidifier regularly and refill it as needed.

If you have a portable humidifier, it will use about 0.5 gallons of water per day. This is much smaller, but it’s still important to keep an eye on your humidifier’s level and ensure it doesn’t run out of water.

Either way, it’s essential to be aware of how much water your humidifier is using so that you can keep an eye on your bills and make sure that your humidifier is running properly. 

Thanks for reading. Check out other articles on our website for more information on this topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I need to change the water in my humidifier?

It’s generally recommended that you change the water in your humidifier every day or two. This will lessen the chance of germs and mold growing in the water.

How can I tell if my humidifier needs more water?

If you notice that your humidifier isn’t working as well as it used to, or if the water level in the humidifier is low, it’s time to add more water.

What signals do I need to increase the humidity in my home?

When your skin seems drier than usual, or if you’re having trouble breathing, your home’s air is likely excessively dry. Your home will become more comfortable if you use a humidifier to enhance the humidity level.

How often should I clean my humidifier?

It’s generally recommended that you clean your humidifier every week or two. This will help to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the water.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.