Water Softener For Humidifier (Is It Beneficial?)

  • By: madison
  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Did you know that your humidifier could be making your water harder? You may need a water softener for your humidifier if you have hard water.

Hard water can cause mineral buildup in your humidifier, reducing efficiency and increasing maintenance costs. A water softener will remove these minerals from your water, preventing them from building up in your humidifier.

Choosing the right water softener for your humidifier is essential to ensure that it operates efficiently and effectively. 

In this blog post, I’ll provide an overview of why you may need a water softener for your humidifier and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Key Takeaway’s

  • A water softener for a humidifier is a tablet or a device that is used to remove minerals from water.
  • Water softeners are available in a variety of sizes and styles.
  • Water softeners for humidifiers can be used with any type of humidifier.
  • It can help to improve the quality of air in your home.
  • Water softeners can also help to reduce the amount of static electricity in your home.
some water boiling in a cooking pot
Water Softener For Humidifier

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Water Softener For Humidifier?

Water softening is the process of removing certain minerals from water, which then makes it easier for soap to work and prevents the buildup of limescale.

There are many ways to soften water, but the most common method is using a water softener tablet. These tablets work by exchanging ions between the water and the tablet, removing hardness minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

  • The main benefit of using a water softener for a humidifier is that it can help extend the life of your humidifier. This is because heating elements exposed to hard water may accumulate limescale, which eventually causes corrosion and failure. Using softened water in your humidifier can prevent this buildup and keep your humidifier running smoothly for longer.
  • Another benefit of using a water softener for humidifiers is that it can help improve air quality. This is because hard water contains dissolved minerals that can be released into the air when the humidifier is turned on. These minerals can then be breathed in, which can irritate the lungs and cause respiratory problems. By using softened water in your humidifier, you can reduce the amount of these harmful minerals released into the air.

Overall, using a water softener for a humidifier has many benefits that can help improve your health and prolong the life of your humidifier. If you have hard water, consider investing in a water softener to get these benefits.

Water Softener For Humidifier Are Tablets Or A Device That Is Used To Remove Minerals From Water

a woman placing water softener next to humidifier
Water Softener For Humidifier Are Tablets Or A Device That Is Used To Remove Minerals From Water

Water softener for humidifier:

Tablets can be purchased at drugstores and grocery stores and are usually available in two sizes – 25-gram or 50-gram. The smaller tablet makes about 1 liter of softened water, while the larger tablet makes about 2 liters of softened water (depending on your particular brand).

You simply place the tablet into your warm, running tap water until it dissolves completely, then waits at least 24 hours before utilizing the mixture in your humidifier.

It Works By Exchanging Ions Between The Water And The Resin Beads

So let’s say you have a water softener. How does it work? Well, the resin beads are the main component of a water softener. The resin beads are made of polystyrene or polyethylene and have a negative charge that attracts positive ions to them.

Using your humidifier will soften the water by exchanging ions between the water and the resin beads.

The beads are covered with sodium chloride (table salt), which makes them unable to absorb calcium and magnesium salts and other impurities found in hard water sources like well-water or municipal tap systems with high mineral content.

Water Softeners Can Be Used To Improve The Quality Of Air In Homes Through Humidifiers

This is the perfect solution for homes with dry air. This is especially advantageous in colder climates when dry homes are more prevalent.

A water softener can help humidify your home by adding moisture back into the air, resulting in a more comfortable setting and healthier living.

Humidifiers add moisture back into the air, making them ideal for people who live in areas where humidity levels are low or fluctuate significantly throughout the year (for example, areas near bodies of salt water).

These machines work by evaporating water from a reservoir and then sending it through an electric coil that cools down this water before releasing it into your house’s heating system or ductwork as steam.

This process creates a high concentration of water vapor in home environments that helps reduce static electricity buildup within household electronics like televisions, reducing any potential damage caused by these malfunctions within electrical equipment at home.

It Can Also Help To Reduce The Amount Of Static Electricity In Homes

a person ready to repair humidifier
It Can Also Help To Reduce The Amount Of Static Electricity In Homes

It can also aid in lowering the amount of static electricity that accumulates in houses due to friction from dust particles that rub against one another and adhere to clothing.

For those with sensitive skin, this can be very upsetting and a hassle for everyone else. Static electricity can also accumulate on carpets and upholstery, causing them to look shabby and old before their time.

As you might imagine, the same problems apply inside your car too. So if you leave an umbrella in your car during the winter months, it could become covered in unwanted static electricity with disastrous consequences (for example, your hair will stand on end!).

Also, if you leave an item of clothing lying around on a chair after wearing it, other items on that chair will pick up this unwanted charge.

Water Softeners Can Be Used To Improve The Efficiency Of Humidifiers

A wonderful technique to increase your humidifier’s effectiveness is by using a water softener. If you have hard water, its minerals can build up in your humidifier and cause it to work harder than it should.

Water softeners remove these minerals, so they don’t build up inside the humidifier and make it more difficult for it to produce moisture.

Water softeners also help you save on energy costs because they reduce static electricity in homes by reducing mineral content in tap water.

When water has fewer minerals, there’s less likelihood for particles like dust or dirt to get caught up on surfaces—including those that make up electronic devices such as computers, televisions, and cell phones (which work by transmitting electrical signals).

This means fewer repairs or replacements will be needed over time due to damage caused by static shocks.

It Can Also Help To Prolong The Life Of Humidifiers

If you use a water softener, it can also help to prolong the life of your humidifier. Humidifiers use a lot of water, so if you have hard water, you will need to replace the filters more often.

The salt-in-water softeners will help prevent buildup on these filters and keep them from getting clogged with minerals that cause problems for your humidifier.

If there is less buildup on these filters, they will last longer before they need to be replaced or cleaned out.

What Is A Water Softener?

humidifier next to a plant
What Is A Water Softener

Water softening is the process of reducing the hardness of the water. Hard water contains high dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.

These minerals can bring numerous issues, including difficulty in getting soap to lather, mineral buildup on dishes and fixtures, and scratchy, stiff clothing.

A water softener removes these minerals from water by exchanging them for sodium or potassium ions. There are many ways to soften water, but the most common method is using a water softener tablet.

These tablets are placed in a cartridge in the main water line leading into the home. As hard water passes through the cartridge, the minerals are exchanged for sodium or potassium ions and flushed out of the system.

How Does A Water Softener Work?

By eliminating minerals from the water, water softeners function. The ion exchange process is a chemical reaction between two oppositely charged substances, like the resin beads and water molecules.

Because the resin beads are negatively charged, they draw positively charged ions—like calcium or magnesium—from your water.

Once those minerals attach to the bead, they’re trapped until you regenerate your softener with salt or potassium chloride pellets (more on later).

How To Choose The Right Size Water Softener For My Humidifier?

Water softener tablets inside water
How To Choose The Right Size Water Softener For My Humidifier

A humidifier works by adding moisture to the air. For this process to work well, your humidifier must be able to handle the water that is used.

You want a high-quality water softener that can handle all of the minerals in your home’s water supply and produce enough softened water to meet the needs of your humidifier.

The softener’s capacity should be at least as large as your humidifier’s capacity so that you don’t need to add more salt each month or leave space in your tank.

The best way to determine how much softened water you need is by looking at how much hardness there is in your current supply (you can find this information on most local websites), then calculating how many gallons per minute (GPM) will be needed based on this amount: (Hardness x Gallons per Minute) / ( Gallons Per Cycle).

What Are Some Common Problems With Water Softeners For Humidifiers?

A few common problems can occur with water softeners for humidifiers.

  • The water treatment can remove some of the minerals from the water, making it more difficult for the humidifier to work properly.
  • If there are any contaminants in the water, they can build up in the reservoir and cause odors or clog the plumbing.
  • If the water system is not maintained properly, it can lead to mineral buildup and make the humidifier less effective.

Utilizing a compact humidifier with a self-contained water tank is one of the best ways to prevent these issues. This way, you can control the water’s quality and ensure it is free of contaminants.

Despite these potential problems, water softeners for humidifiers are generally good. They can help improve air quality and prevent static electricity from building in your home.

Just be sure to maintain your system correctly and choose a high-quality product to benefit from it.


When dealing with soap scum, mineral buildup, and dry skin, hard water users are familiar with these difficulties. But did you know that hard water can also cause problems with your humidifier? 

A water softener can help to prevent these problems and keep your humidifier running smoothly. Hard water contains minerals that might clog up your humidifier and reduce its effectiveness. Water softeners function by eliminating these minerals. 

If you have a whole-house humidifier, a water softener is a terrific method to maintain it operating efficiently and avoid difficulties in the future.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your home’s humidity levels, consider a water softener for your humidifier. You’ll be glad you did.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of water softener is the best for my needs?

One popular choice is demineralization tablets. You add these small tablets to your faucet’s water supply, then let them sit in your plumbing for at least 24 hours before using the water again. Another option is a water softener that uses resin beads.

Do water softeners really make a difference?

Yes, water softeners can make a difference in your home. They can improve your water quality and prevent hard water buildup in your humidifier.

Is it necessary to have water softeners if I have a humidifier?

A water softener can help keep your humidifier running smoothly if you have hard water. By removing the minerals from hard water, water softeners can help prevent clogs and mineral buildup in your humidifier.

How Can I Extend The Life Of My Water Softener For My Humidifier?

To extend your water softener’s life, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance and replacement. A specialist should be contacted if you notice any issues with your humidifier or water softener, and you should also keep a check on their condition.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for HumidifierSource.com, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.