Author Introduction

Kenneth Sine

Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

Humidifiers are a vital part of any home. They help keep your skin from drying out, and they can also help you breathe easier.

But what if you don’t know anything about humidifiers? Where do you start?

Well, that’s where I come in! My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.

I am a product engineer, currently working with a Humidifier manufacturing company in the USA. I love designing products especially the hard to reach corners which annoy us all. I focus on simple design.

I love making products that solve problems that I have experienced myself. LOL

With a background in manufacturing, business development, and product design, I’ve led projects from product concept to consumer launch. I’m currently working on the next generation air humidifiers for Dry West USA (Seattle, etc). Finding ways to make products even simpler is always my goal.

Nowadays, I write for whenever I get the chance—and when my wife lets me! She’s always on me about spending time with our son and not just sitting around and sketching new concepts for my works.

You can contact me at:

Linkedin: Kenneth Sine

Facebook: Kenneth Sine