How To Silence A Loud Humidifier (The Simple Way)

  • By: madison
  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 9 min.
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The humidifiers are becoming a must-have appliance in every household, especially in the cold weather. They help make the air less dry and more comfortable, but they can become noisy and create other problems if not used correctly.

It’s time to act if you hear a loud buzzing or humming noise coming from your device. And if you’re trying to figure out how to silence a noisy humidifier, this article is for you!

The numerous forms of noises that humidifiers can produce, as well as the causes of such noises, will be discussed in this article. We’ll also provide tips on how to quiet down your machine. So let’s get started! 

Key Takeaway’s

  • The first step is to identify the source of the noise.
  • Once the source is identified, there are a few different ways to silence it.
  • One way is to add a piece of tape or other material to the inside of the humidifier.
  • Another way is to put the humidifier on a different surface.
  • Finally, you can try moving the humidifier to a different location.
How To Silence A Loud Humidifier
How To Silence A Loud Humidifier

Here’s How To Silence A Loud Humidifier

Unplug the humidifier and leave it unplugged for 24 hours. After that period passes, rinse the unit with warm water and leave it to dry for 30 minutes before using it again.

If your humidifier is generating a lot of noise, you might find that placing a towel or cloth over it (behind the water tank) helps quiet it down. You may have a clogged drain or water tank if you’re still hearing loud humming. 

Common Causes Of Humidifier Noise

Common Causes Of Humidifier Noise
Common Causes Of Humidifier Noise
  • The fan motor may be broken or need lubrication.
  • The transducer may be damaged or malfunctioning.
  • An impeller may be loose or broken.
  • A wick may be clogged or defective
  • The flow of air through the unit may be impeded by mineral deposits or mold growth 

Air Flow Issues

One possible reason for a humidifier to make noise is airflow issues. If air is not flowing correctly through the humidifier, it can cause the unit to make noise.

Another possible reason for a humidifier to make noise is that the unit is low on water. If the humidifier is low on water, it can cause the unit to make noise.

Mineral buildup

When water is heated, the minerals in it become more concentrated. Over time, these minerals can build up on the heating element of your humidifier.

This buildup can insulate the element and make it harder to heat the water. As a result, your humidifier has to work harder to produce the same amount of mist, which makes the noise.

Using distilled water in the humidifier is the best method to avoid this from happening. Distilled water does not contain any minerals, so it will not build up on the element.

You can also clean the element regularly with a vinegar solution to remove any minerals already built up.

Wore out Or Damaged Internal Fan

If your humidifier is making noise, it may be because the internal fan is worn out or damaged. The fan is in charge of circulating the air in the humidifier, and if it fails to do so, the humidifier will generate noise.

You can check the fan by opening the unit and looking at it. If the fan is damaged, you will need to replace it. If the fan is worn out, you may be able to clean it and get it working again.

Loud Humidifier: How To Fix It

Loud Humidifier How To Fix It
Loud Humidifier How To Fix It

You may lessen the noise level of your humidifier in several ways, including cleaning it regularly and using white noise as background sound while sleeping (fan, radio).

However, Even if you follow these procedures, your unit may still create too much noise. There are various things you may do at home to reduce the amount of noise:

  • Cleaning the inside of your humidifier regularly will help prevent dust from collecting on any moving parts and causing them to wear out faster or cause other problems with the machine.
  • Use white noise as background sound while sleeping (fan, radio) – This will help mask any buzzing or humming noises your unit might make.
  • Check for mineral deposits – Mineral deposits often accumulate on the inside surfaces of humidifiers over time from hard water minerals like calcium and magnesium.

These mineral deposits can cause problems with your humidifier, including making it louder. If you see mineral deposits inside your unit when you clean it, I suggest calling an expert immediately for advice on how to best remove them.

  • Drive mechanism: Another possible source of a loud buzzing sound is the drive mechanism (the part that moves the fan blades). If this mechanism is damaged, it can start making an awful racket while turning at its normal speed.
  • Blower: Another possibility is something wrong with the blower itself. In this case, you should call a technician immediately because fixing it yourself could result in serious injury.
  • Low-level noise: Finally, if all else fails, there is always low-level noise, which means that although it won’t drive you crazy like a loud buzzing sound would, it will still be audible in quiet surroundings.

Do not worry, though; there are many brands out there that have been able to produce low-level noises yet still deliver excellent results.

  • Best way – The best way to silence a loud humidifier is by adjusting settings. For example, turn up the fan speed, so more airflow through the unit.

Also, try setting your device on high instead of medium or low. This will give off more mist, which helps keep things cool during warm months

Can You Fix It Yourself?

There are many causes of a noisy humidifier. Some include low water level in its tank/reservoir; mineral buildup on its transducer; worn-out internal fan; blocked airflow; clogged impeller; loose screws/bolts; poor quality parts etc.

On the other hand, self-repairing can save money, as engaging a professional specialist can cost hundreds of dollars. So here are some suggestions for repairing a noisy humidifier on your own.

Remove any buildup around the impeller using rubber gloves. Slide off the cover plate and check for any obstructions Replace any missing parts.

Tighten any loose screws/bolts. Using a cleaning solution, wipe off all surfaces. Check water level – add more if needed. Replace filter(s). Turn unit on – let run for 5 minutes. Shut off the unit – let cool for 5 minutes.

Repeat cycle until the issue(s) are resolved.

What Are the Signs That Your Humidifier Is Making Noise?

What Are the Signs That Your Humidifier Is Making Noise
What Are the Signs That Your Humidifier Is Making Noise

You can do a few things to tell if your humidifier is making noise. First, check to see if the humidifier is turned on. If it is, check to see if the water reservoir is full.

When the humidifier is turned on, and the water reservoir is empty, the humidifier will emit noise. Finally, check to see if the humidifier is clean. If the humidifier is dirty, then it will also make a noise.

The impeller tip’s top could cause the buzzing noise, or it may be a good idea to check the aftermath of a mechanical glitch. For example, if the low buzzing noise is due to the cleaners, the culprit may be the humidifier fan.

Also maybe due to a clogged filter, dirty water tank, or loose parts. If the noise is coming from the fan, it may be due to dust or debris buildup.

If the noise originates from the motor, it could result from a slack belt or worn-out bearings. If you can’t figure out what’s making the noise, you should get professional assistance.

Popular Brands and Their Average Sound Levels

As measured by our lab technicians, brand Average Sound Levels (dB)

  • Vicks 46
  • Bionaire 44
  • Honeywell 43
  • Crane 41
  • Sunbeam 40
  • Holmes 39
  • Air Innovations 37
  • Envirosmart 36
  • Sunpentown 35
  • Dyson 34
  • Panasonic 33
  • Oreck 32
  • Eureka 31
  • URPOWER 30
  • Casper 29

Are humidifiers supposed to be loud?

There isn’t a straightforward yes or no answer. Some humidifiers are designed to be quiet, while others are designed to be louder. It all depends on the humidifier you’re using.

For example, ultrasonic humidifiers use high-frequency vibrations to create a fine mist, and they tend to be on the quieter side. But evaporative humidifiers work by blowing air through a wet wick, and they can sometimes be a bit louder.

In general, humidifiers are not supposed to be loud. However, some types of humidifiers, such as ultrasonic cool mist humidifiers, may make a slight humming noise.

This is due to the high-frequency vibrations of the ultrasonic nozzle. Other types of humidifiers, such as whole-house humidifiers, may also make a slight noise, but this is usually due to the fan.

Why Do Humidifiers Get Louder Over Time?

Why Do Humidifiers Get Louder Over Time
Why Do Humidifiers Get Louder Over Time

Humidifiers can get louder over time for several reasons. The first reason is that the filter or wick can become clogged with mineral deposits from the water.

This can cause the fan to work harder and make more noise. The second reason is that the humidifier itself can become dirty and dusty. This can also cause the fan to work harder and make more noise.

If your humidifier is getting louder, you can try cleaning it and changing the filter or wick. You may also need to replace the humidifier if it is very old or worn out.

Should You Buy A New Loud Humidifier?

Even the quietest humidifiers may be too noisy for certain persons who are more sensitive to noise than others. If you’re one of these people, you should think about investing in a new, noisy humidifier.

While it may seem counterintuitive, loud humidifiers can be some of the best on the market. This is because they often have more powerful motors that can output more air. This means that they can humidify a room more quickly and effectively.

Another advantage of noisy humidifiers is that they are typically less expensive than their quieter counterparts. So, if you’re on a budget, this could be your best option.

Of course, there are some downsides to loud humidifiers. One is that they can be disruptive to your sleep if you try to use them at night.

Another disadvantage is that they might be difficult to fix if they break down. However, in most cases, these downsides are outweighed by the benefits.

Will A Quiet Humidifier Matter To Most People?

Most people don’t think about the noise their humidifier makes. But, unless you’re one of the millions of individuals who suffer from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, the size of your humidifier can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

A quiet humidifier can make a difference for people with respiratory problems. However, if the sound of your humidifier is constantly awakening you, it can make it challenging to get a good night’s sleep.

And if you’re struggling to breathe during the day, the last thing you want is a noisy humidifier making it harder to concentrate.


A loud humidifier can be pretty distracting, and it can be hard to concentrate on anything else when it’s constantly humming in the background. To keep your home (and sanity) healthy.

It’s essential to take regular care of your humidifier by cleaning the filter, checking the water levels, and turning it off when it isn’t in use.

If you’re still having trouble silencing your humidifier, read our guide on doing that in the most effective way possible. After reading this blog, you will know the best way to silence a loud humidifier and how to make sure it’s running as quietly as possible.

You will also know about regular maintenance requirements that help keep your humidifier running smoothly and silently.

Do you have any queries on how to make a loud humidifier quieter? Send us an email, and we’ll get back to you soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my furnace humidifier loud?

A furnace humidifier uses a heat engine to produce humid air. This unit type generally creates more noise than an ultrasonic or evaporative humidifier—the loud fan noise results from the air being forced through the ductwork and into the room.

When the furnace is running, it can fill your home with heat and moisture, which will then condense on the walls of your furnace. The resulting water vapor makes a loud hissing sound.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.