How To Purify Water For Humidifier (Learn How To)

  • By: madison
  • Date: December 2, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

One of the biggest problems with humidifiers is that they can quickly become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

This is especially true if you don’t clean them regularly. The good news is that you can take a few simple steps to purify water for your humidifier and prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Key Takeaway’s

  • The best way to purify water for a humidifier is to use a filter.
  • Filters can be bought at most hardware stores or online.
  • Be sure to change the filter regularly to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the humidifier.
  • You can also purify water by boiling it for at least 3 minutes.
  • Store purified water in a clean, airtight container.
Water splashing around
How To Purify Water For Humidifier

Here’s The Answer To How To Purify Water For Humidifier

Most humidifiers come with a built-in water purifier, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll need to ensure the water in your humidifier is clean and free of contaminants. You definitely don’t want your humidifier to spread microorganisms and get you ill.

You may use several methods to clean the water for your humidifier. One way is to boil the water for at least three minutes. This will kill any bacteria or viruses in the water.

You can also use distilled water purified through a distillation process. Distilled water is free of minerals, making it ideal for use in a humidifier.

If you’re using tap water, you can purify it through a coffee filter or paper towel to remove contaminants like chlorine.

You can also use a commercial water purification system like reverse osmosis or whole house filter.

Fill A Bowl With Distilled Water

Filling distilled water in a glass
Fill A Bowl With Distilled Water

Fill a bowl with distilled water.

  • Use a large bowl—the bigger, the better!
  • Make sure it is easy to pour from, preferably one that isn’t too heavy. (You don’t want to drop water while carrying it to your humidifier.)
  • Make sure the bowl is clean and dry before using it.

Place A Coffee Filter Over The Top Of The Bowl

To clean the bowl, you’ll need a coffee filter. Make sure it’s dry and clean before placing it in your now-empty bowl.

Have someone hold the coffee filter in place while you pour water from your humidifier into the bowl.

Pour The Distilled Water Into The Coffee Filter

Pour the distilled water into a coffee filter and place it inside your humidifier. You can use a funnel or filter or even pour it through your coffeemaker’s coffee filter.

Carefully pour enough water into the coffee filter to cover the bottom of it. Make sure not to spill any water onto your hands or clothes.

Allow The Water To Drip Through The Filter Into The Bowl

You will want to allow the water to drip through the filter into the bowl. Depending on how long it takes, you can either leave it in place for an hour or two or overnight.

If you opt for a coffee filter instead of a paper towel, ensure your container is plastic and not metal.

Once you’ve poured all the water from your humidifier into the bowl, take a towel or your hand and wipe down both top and sides of the coffee filter.

Use The Purified Water In Your Humidifier

Now that you’ve got some purified water, it’s time to use it. First and foremost: use the purified water in your humidifier.

This will prevent mold and mildew growth, which can destroy your humidifier over time. Avoiding buildup between uses also contributes to the appliance’s lifespan.

When adding more purified water, be sure not to add too much at once because this can cause overflow or spillage inside your machine’s reservoir container—and nobody wants that.

What Are The Impurities Found In Water That Can Affect Humidifier Performance?

A water filter containing impurities.
What Are The Impurities Found In Water That Can Affect Humidifier Performance

You may have thought that water was just water. Sure, it’s liquid, and you put it in a humidifier, but what else is there to know?

Suppose you’re not familiar with the properties of your local H20. In that case, it might surprise you that tap water has several impurities that can affect its performance as a humidifier.

These include hard water (which has high mineral content), chlorine (added to kill bacteria), sediment (from dirt and rust), iron (from pipes or minerals), mold and bacteria growth, and heavy metals like lead and copper from corrosion.

How To Purify Water For Humidifier Using Different Methods?

  • Distilled water is steam-distilled water filtered to remove minerals and salts, such as calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate. Distilled water is considered to be purer than tap or well water.
  • Filter water through a filter with an absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller. It will remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, and other microorganisms from your tap or well water.
  • Clean your home’s pipes regularly so that it does not contain harmful chemicals that may make your humidifier dirty over time.

Which Method Of Purifying Water For Humidifier Is The Most Effective?

If you’re wondering which method of purifying water for a humidifier is the most effective, it’s distilled.

Distilled water is a great option because it has no bacteria and doesn’t leave behind any minerals or other contaminants that could affect the quality of your humidifier.

Filtered water is also a good choice since it removes bacteria and particulates from tap water.

Spring and well waters are generally not recommended as they can contain contaminants like iron, sulfur, chlorine, and pesticides.

Tap water isn’t recommended either since it can contain chemicals such as fluoride, which may harm small children or babies who use the humidifier in their bedrooms at night while they sleep (a common practice).


The blog post explains how to purify water for humidifier use. The article describes the distillation steps and reverses osmosis as a purification method.

It is recommended that distilled or reverse osmosis water be used in humidifiers to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

If you’re looking to purify water for your humidifier, follow the steps in this blog post. Distillation and reverse osmosis are great methods for ensuring your water is free of impurities.

Check out other articles on our website for more tips on purifying your water, and be sure to follow us on social media for updates.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.