How To Make Tap Water Safe For Humidifiers (It Is Easy!)

  • By: madison
  • Date: December 2, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

One of the challenges of using a humidifier is keeping the water clean. If you don’t clean it regularly, mold and bacteria can grow in the water tank and get released into the air.

Minerals from tap water may accumulate in the humidifier over time and cause issues.

The good news is that by following a few simple steps, you can make sure that your humidifier stays clean and that your tap water is safe to use.

Key Takeaway’s

  • Identify the source of your water. If it’s from a public water supply, then it’s generally safe to use in a humidifier.
  • Check for any visible contaminants in the water. If you see any dirt, sediment, or other particles in the water, it’s best not to use it in your humidifier.
  • Test the pH of the water. Ideally, you want the water to have a neutral pH (7.0). If it’s too acidic or alkaline, then it can damage your humidifier over time.
  • Treat the water with a filter or purifier specifically designed to remove tap water’s impurities. This will help ensure your humidifier stays clean and free of harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Change the water in your humidifier frequently.
A person filling a pot with water from the tap.
How To Make Tap Water Safe For Humidifiers

Here’s The Answer To How To Make Tap Water Safe For Humidifiers

Tap water is not safe for humidifiers unless it has been properly treated. There are several ways to make tap water safe for humidifiers, including using a whole-house filtration system, boiling the water, or using distilled water.

Whole-house filtration systems are the most effective way to remove contaminants from tap water. These systems filter the water as it enters your home, so all the water used in your home is filtered.

Boiling the water kills bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause illness. Distilled water is also free of contaminants, but it can be expensive to use.

Contact the public works department in your community or a licensed water treatment expert if you have concerns about the quality of your tap water.

Boil Water For At Least One Minute To Kill Bacteria And Other Microorganisms

Pouring water from a jug into a tumbler
Boil Water For At Least One Minute To Kill Bacteria And Other Microorganisms
  • You can boil water, but only if you have a stovetop.
  • When the water begins to simmer, turn off the heat and let it sit for one minute.
  • If you have a microwave, place the covered pot in it for 1-2 minutes (make sure to use a glass container).
  • The temperature should reach 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius for at least one minute before you add anything else to it.

Use A Water Filter To Remove Chlorine, Lead, And Other Contaminants

If you want to make sure your drinking water is safe for use in a humidifier, the best thing to do is use a water filter.

Water filters remove chlorine, lead, and other contaminants that could harm your health or anyone who drinks the water.

Water filters are inexpensive and easy to install; they can be purchased at any hardware store for around $30.

You simply insert them into your tap line like any other filter (as long as there’s room for it).

They’re effective at reducing chlorine levels by up to 90%, making them perfect for humidifiers because this will help keep mold from growing inside your machine.

Let The Tap Water Sit For 24 Hours To Allow Any Remaining Chemicals To Dissipate

When filling your humidifier with water, it’s important to remember that tap water contains chemicals. Sometimes, these chemicals are harmless and can be good for you (like fluoride).

But other times, they can harm your health and make your home less healthy or dangerous.

The best way to ensure that your tap water is safe for use in a humidifier is to let it sit overnight so that any remaining chemicals dissipate before using it in your humidifier.

This could take anywhere from 12 hours to 24 hours, depending on how much chlorine is present in the tap water and whether there are any other harmful substances present.

Fill Your Humidifier With Clean, Filtered Water

You will want to use filtered or bottled water in your humidifier. If you are using tap water, make sure it is clean.

Make sure the filter is also clean so that there are no particles that could cause bacteria growth and cause issues with mold or mildew buildup on your humidifier.

Clean Your Humidifier Regularly According To The Manufacturer’s Instructions

To clean your humidifier, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If it is not clear how to clean your humidifier, here are some tips:

  • Disassemble the entire unit. This may require using a screwdriver or other tools to remove pieces from their place.
  • Wash all of the parts in warm water and dish soap. You can also use vinegar if this helps eliminate minerals from your tap water. Before reassembling any removable components on your device, make sure they are all completely dry.

What Are The Health Hazards Of Using Unclean Water In Humidifiers?

Water flowing into a sink from a tap
What Are The Health Hazards Of Using Unclean Water In Humidifiers

Using unclean water in a humidifier can put your family at risk of getting sick. Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms will grow in your humidifier’s warm, moist environment. This can cause illnesses that range from mild to severe.

Bacteria can cause pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), meningitis, and other diseases. Viruses such as the influenza virus or the common cold virus may also be present in tap water.

Some people with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to these infections.

Using clean, distilled, or demineralized water will prevent bacteria from growing in your humidifier and contaminating it with harmful microbes that could make you sick.

How To Make Tap Water Safe For Humidifiers?

You’ll need the following to prepare your tap water so that a humidifier can use it:

  • A kettle and a timer (to boil the water for one minute)
  • 3 liters of filtered water (you can buy it at the grocery store)

Steps To Follow To Ensure The Safety Of Your Humidifier

  • Use filtered water.
  • Boil the water for one minute to kill any bacteria. As recommended by Consumer Reports, let it sit for 24 hours before using it in your humidifier.
  • Clean your humidifier every two weeks according to the manufacturer’s instructions and/or use a disinfectant like vinegar once per month to kill germs that could grow in there over time and become airborne when you breathe them in from your machine (this applies to warm mist machines only).


Unsafe water can be a serious health hazard when used in humidifiers, especially for people with weakened immune systems.

You can protect your family from illness and ensure their safety by adhering to these straightforward steps.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.