How To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter (Best Tips)

  • By: madison
  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 10 min.
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Cleaning a humidifier without a filter might sound crazy. But it is possible to clean a humidifier without the filter.

Humidifiers help add moisture to the air in your home and help prevent chapped lips and dry, itchy skin. But cleaning a humidifier without a filter sounds crazy!

In this post, I will show you how to clean a humidifier without a filter and why it’s so important.

Key Takeaway’s

  • Start by unplugging the humidifier and emptying any water that’s left inside.
  • Next, disassemble the humidifier so you can access the different parts that need to be cleaned.
  • Once everything is disassembled, clean all of the removable parts with warm, soapy water. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly before putting them back on the humidifier.
  • To clean the base of the humidifier, fill it with a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Let it soak for a few minutes, then scrub it with a sponge or brush to remove any build-up.
  • Finally, reassemble your humidifier and refill it with fresh water before turning it back on.
How To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter
How To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter

Answer To How To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter

Unplug the humidifier first. Then, remove the filter and empty it. Next, the humidifier’s water tank should be removed and placed in a safe place out of the way. After you’ve drained the tank, run water through the tank several times to remove any trapped debris. Then, fill the tank with white vinegar, and let it sit for an hour.

Your device can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold if not cleaned regularly. The good news is that a humidifier does not require a filter to be cleaned. Here’s how:

1. Empty the water tank and remove any mineral deposits with a vinegar solution.

2. Clean the inside of the tank with a mild soap and water solution.

3. Rinse the tank thoroughly and dry it completely before refilling it with fresh water.

4. Clean the humidifier’s base with a damp cloth.

5. Clean the vents and other hard-to-reach locations with a brush or compressed air.

6. Reassemble the humidifier and turn it on.

To prevent the spread of bacteria and mold, you should clean your humidifier at least once a week. Your device may require extra cleaning if you live in an area with hard water.

Cleaning A Humidifier Without The Filter: Different Ways 

Cleaning A Humidifier Without The Filter_ Different Ways
Cleaning A Humidifier Without The Filter_ Different Ways

It’s essential to keep the humidifier clean, irrespective of whether it has a filter. Some of which are:

Steam Cleaning

To steam clean a humidifier without the filter, you’ll need a gallon of water, a mist of distilled water, and a clean cloth.

Begin by unplugging the humidifier and removing the humidifier parts. Mist the humidifier tank with distilled water, and then use a clean cloth to wipe away any impurities.

Next, fill the humidifier with clean water and add a few drops of distilled water. Finally, turn on the humidifier to the warm mist setting and let it run for about 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes:

  • Turn off the unit and let it cool down.
  • Once it’s cooled, use a manual scrub brush to remove any buildup or grime.
  • Rinse the humidifier parts with clean water and then let them air dry.

Chemical Cleaning

Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to clean a humidifier without a filter. After adding a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the humidifier’s water, let it run for a few hours.

Then, please turn off the humidifier and let it sit for a few hours. After that, you can drain the hydrogen peroxide out of the humidifier and rinse it with cold water.

If you have a cool mist humidifier, you can also add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the water in the humidifier. Bacteria that may be growing in the humidifier will be killed by this method.

You should also regularly clean your humidifier’s wick. A dirty wick can cause the humidifier to produce white dust.

Dry Method

If you have a humidifier, you know that it is essential to keep it clean. A dirty humidifier can lead to low airflow and be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

The EPA recommends that you clean your device regularly. One way to clean your humidifier is to use a dry cloth or sponge to wipe down the inside of the appliance.

If you have a dirty filter, you will need to replace it. You can purchase replacement filters at your local hardware store or online. When you are finished cleaning your humidifier, dry it thoroughly before using it again.

Wet Washing Method

If your humidifier isn’t working as well as it used to, it’s possible that it needs a good cleaning. Depending on the model, you may clean your humidifier with a few different methods.

  • One teaspoon of bleach dissolves in one gallon of water.
  • Run the bleach solution through the humidifier for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, you’ll need to rinse the humidifier out with clean water.
  • Another way to clean a humidifier is to use vinegar.
  • Add a cup of vinegar to the water tank of your humidifier.
  • Then, you’ll need to let the vinegar solution run through the humidifier for about 30 minutes.
  • After that, you’ll need to rinse the unit out with clean water.
  • Even if you don’t realize that your device isn’t operating as well as it used to, you should still clean it regularly. This will help to avoid the growth of bacteria or mold in the area.

Step By Step Guide To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter

Step By Step Guide To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter
Step By Step Guide To Clean A Humidifier Without A Filter

A humidifier is a great way to add moisture to the air in your home, but it’s important to keep it clean. A dirty humidifier can make the air in your home more polluted. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning a humidifier without a filter:

Step1. Unplug The Humidifier From The Power Source

It is essential to unplug the humidifier from the power source before beginning any cleaning. This will ensure that the unit is turned off and will not accidentally turn on while you are cleaning it.

If you want to prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your humidifier, you should clean it regularly. Depending on the sort of humidifier you have and how frequently you use it, the frequency of cleaning will vary.

Step2. Take The Humidifier Apart According To The Manufacturer’s Instructions

When you take the humidifier apart, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If your humidifier uses a different part, be sure to check before you buy. Also, always unplug the humidifier before you begin to take it apart.

Step3. Check The Humidifier For Any Build-Up Of Minerals Or Other Deposits

If you notice any buildup of minerals or other deposits in the humidifier water tank, you can clean it out with tap water. However, if the buildup is severe, you may need to replace the old water with fresh filtered water.

If not cleaned, the buildup can cause the humidifier to work less effectively or not at all. The buildup can also cause health problems.

Most humidifiers have removable parts that can be taken apart and cleaned with tap water. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to clean the humidifier. Some humidifiers have parts that need to be cleaned with distilled water.

Step4. Remove Any Water That Is Inside The Unit

When cleaning your humidifier, be sure to remove any water inside the unit. A wet/dry vacuum is a suitable option for this. If you do not have a wet/dry vacuum, you can also use a sponge and a bowl of warm water.

This can also be done by emptying the water reservoir. And wiping down the inside of the unit with a clean, dry cloth.

Step5. Clean All Of The Parts Of The Humidifier With Warm Soapy Water

To clean all of the humidifier parts with warm soapy water, clean the reservoir with warm soapy water and a sponge. Before reassembling the item, make sure you’ve thoroughly cleaned and dried the entire thing. Last but not least, use a moist towel to clean the exterior.

Step6. Disinfect And Rinse All Of The Parts

It is essential to disinfect and rinse all of the parts of your humidifier to clean it. This will prevent mold and bacteria. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • To clean the humidifier, use warm water and a light soap.
  • Rinse the humidifier with clean water.
  • Use a clean cloth or brush to disinfect the humidifier.
  • Rinse the humidifier with clean water again.

If you have a dishwasher, you can also clean the humidifier by running it through a cycle.

Step7. Clean The Base Of The Unit With A Damp Cloth

When cleaning your humidifier, be sure to clean the unit’s base with a damp cloth. The minerals and other residues that may have accumulated on the unit can be removed with this method.

It is vital to keep the unit’s base clean so that the humidifier can continue to work effectively.

Step8. Before reassembling and using the humidifier, allow it to air dry completely

It is crucial to allow all parts to air dry completely before putting the humidifier back together and using it again. The humidifier may malfunction if any of the parts are still moist.

Mold and mildew can grow in units if they are not cleaned on a regular basis.

How Often Should You Clean Your Humidifier Without A Filter?

How Often Should You Clean Your Humidifier Without A Filter
How Often Should You Clean Your Humidifier Without A Filter

The general rule is to clean the humidifier without a filter once every week or two. As a result, respiratory issues can be avoided by preventing the growth of bacteria and other microbes. Cleaning your humidifier more frequently may be necessary if you live in a region with high humidity.

Keeping your humidifier free of mold and mildew requires regular cleaning. Keeping your humidifier clean is essential to preventing respiratory and other health issues, such as allergies and asthma.

If you’re using a warm mist humidifier, you’ll need to clean it more often than a cool mist humidifier. This is because warm mist humidifiers produce steam, which can help the growth of sediments and dry sludge.

Cool mist humidifiers don’t produce steam, so they’re more likely to harbor bacteria and other microorganisms.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your humidifier are important to running efficiently. In addition, when humidifiers are used more often in the winter months, it’s vital to keep them clean.

Is Cleaning Filterless Humidifier Any Different From Cleaning A Regular Humidifier With Filter?

Filterless humidifiers and filtered humidifiers are the two main types of humidifiers. Both types need to be cleaned regularly, but the process is different. 

A filterless humidifier doesn’t have a filter that needs to be replaced. Instead, it has a wick that absorbs water from the tank and releases it into the air.

To clean a filterless humidifier, you’ll need to remove the wick and clean it with warm, soapy water. You should also clean the humidifier’s tank and base with a mild disinfectant.

A filtered humidifier has a filter that needs to be replaced every few months. To clean a filtered humidifier, you’ll need to remove the filter and clean the humidifier’s tank and base with a mild disinfectant.

You should also clean the filter itself with warm, soapy water.

Risks To Consider When Cleaning Filterless Humidifier

When using a filterless humidifier, there are a few risks to consider. Bacteria and mold can thrive in a humidifier that is constantly running.

This can happen if the humidifier is not cleaned regularly. If you’re worried about dust mites, a humidifier can be good.

Dust mites are microscopic organisms that prefer moist settings to survive. Some people may be allergic to them.

Precautions To Take When Cleaning Filterless Humidifier

Precautions To Take When Cleaning Filterless Humidifier
Precautions To Take When Cleaning Filterless Humidifier

When cleaning a filterless humidifier, it is crucial to take precautions.

  • Unplug the humidifier and empty any water that is in the unit.
  • Using mild soap and warm water, clean the inside of the humidifier.
  • Be sure to rinse the humidifier thoroughly.
  • With a moist towel, clean the exterior of the appliance.

It is also important to clean the humidifier regularly. Thanks to this, bacteria and mold won’t have a chance to grow.


Did you know that your humidifier may not need a filter to work correctly? This post covered all you need to know about cleaning your humidifier without a filter.

Including the different types of available filters, how often they should be cleaned, and where you can buy them.

We have also provide a step-by-step explanation on how to clean the humidifier without using a filter. Additionally, you’ll find a section with hints and tricks for making the most of your humidifier. Start cleaning your humidifier now, before it’s too late!

There will be many more blog entries like this one in the future, so thanks for following along!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best tips for cleaning a humidifier without a filter?

To clean a humidifier without a filter, add vinegar to the water and let it run for a few minutes.

Does it matter what kind of cleaning solution to use when cleaning a filter less humidifier?

No, it does not matter what kind of cleaning solution to use when cleaning a filterless humidifier.

Which type of cleaning solution should I use to clean my humidifier without a filter?

If you want to clean your humidifier without a filter, the best cleaning solution is a white vinegar and water solution.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.