Does Humidifier Additive Work (What We Found)

  • By: madison
  • Date: November 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 8 min.

Do you use a humidifier in your home? If so, have you ever wondered what kind of additive to use in your humidifier water?

In this blog post, I’ll discuss the different types of humidifier additives and their benefits. I’ll also share some tips on choosing the right additive for your humidifier.

So if you’re curious about humidifier additives, read on! And don’t forget to come back for the full picture.

Key Takeaway’s

  • A humidifier additive is a substance that can be added to water in order to increase the humidity of the air.
  • There are many different types of humidifier additives, including glycerin, essential oils, and distilled water.
  • Adding a humidifier additive to your humidifier can help to improve the efficiency of the device and increase the amount of moisture in the air.
  • It is important to choose an appropriate humidifier additive for your specific needs in order to avoid damaging your humidifier or causing other problems.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions on how to add an additive to your humidifier carefully in order to avoid any issues.
a working humidifier
Does Humidifier Additive Work

Here’s The Answer To Does Humidifier Additive Work

Some humidifiers have an additive designed to help kill bacteria and other germs in the water. But does this humidifier additive work?

There are two main types of humidifier additives: Bacteriostatic and calcium-based. Bacteriostatic additives contain chemicals that help prevent bacteria’s growth in the water.

Calcium-based additives release calcium ions into the water, which can help to kill bacteria and other germs.

So, do these additives work? The short answer is yes, and they can effectively kill bacteria and other germs in your humidifier’s water tank. Not all humidifier additives, it’s crucial to remember, are made equal.

Research is crucial before making a purchase because certain brands may be more effective than others.

Additionally, it’s essential to change the water in your humidifier regularly (every few days) and clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it stays bacteria-free.

A Humidifier Additive Can Help Improve Its Performance

a cat sitting on a sofa next to a humidifier
A Humidifier Additive Can Help Improve Its Performance

A humidifier additive is a type of product that can be added to a humidifier to help improve its performance. There are many different types of humidifier additives on the market, and each has its benefits and drawbacks.

Some humidifier additives are designed to increase the amount of moisture released into the air. In contrast, others are designed to reduce the noise the humidifier produces. Even some items make these dual claims.

Its compatibility with the particular type of humidifier you have is the most crucial quality to look for in a humidifier addition.

There are numerous varieties of humidifiers available, but not all of them are compatible with all kinds of additions.

Before buying an additive, thoroughly read the instructions, and always test it in your humidifier before using it in large quantities.

There Are Many Different Types Of Humidifier Additives Available On The Market

Many different types of humidifier additives are available on the market, each with its benefits and drawbacks. The best thing to do is choose a type that works for your needs, but here’s a quick rundown:

  • Damp-Rid: This product can be used as an all-in-one solution for all your problems. It removes odors, bacteria, and molds from your air supply while also deodorizing it at the same time. You should use this product when you want to eliminate any bad smells in your home or office space—especially if they’re coming from carpeting or furniture materials like wood or leather.
  • Teatree Oil: This is another great option if you have pets who shed fur everywhere. It kills 99% of germs on contact, so there won’t be any more nasty stuff coming out of their fur after using this product (which means no more pet hair around every corner). Plus, it’s safe for humans too.

Some Of The Most Popular Humidifier Additives Include Essential Oils, Mineral Salts, And Plant Extracts

  • Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. For example:
  • Essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties but can cause allergic reactions in some people. Additionally, they are typically more expensive than alternatives for humidifier additives like mineral salt or plant extracts.
  • Mineral salts help to keep your home’s air clean by absorbing odors from pets or smoke from fires, but they do not have any special benefits on their own, like some essential oils (e.g., lavender). Mineral salts should only be purchased from reputable suppliers who provide accurate information about how much product will be needed per week based on the size/type(s) of houses being treated with their product(s).

Each Type Of Humidifier Additive Has Its Own Unique Set Of Benefits, And Drawbacks

a humidifier in the living room
Each Type Of Humidifier Additive Has Its Own Unique Set Of Benefits, And Drawbacks

There are three main humidifier additives: water-based, alcohol-based, and sterilization. Each comes with different advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of application you’re trying to achieve.

To help guide your decision-making process, here’s a quick rundown on how each one works:

Water-Based Additives: These types add moisture to the air in your home by releasing it into your system through evaporation or other means (like spraying). They’ve been around since ancient times. Today’s versions come in various forms like sprays or drops, so they can be added into any type of room without adversely affecting health or comfort levels due to their lackadaisical nature (more on later).

Alcohol-based humidifier additives are more expensive than water-based options, but they evaporate quickly and do not require frequent changing. Alcohol-based humectants can also help to prevent mold and mildew growth in your humidifier. However, these products can be drying to your skin if used excessively.

Sterilization additives are the most expensive type of humidifier additive on the market. These products contain chemicals that help to kill bacteria and viruses in your humidifier water. Sterilization additives must be changed frequently to remain effective, and they can be toxic if inhaled or ingested.

When Choosing A Humidifier Additive, Consider The Specific Needs Of Your Home

Choosing the right humidifier additive depends on your specific needs. Humidifier additives can help improve your humidifier’s performance and make it last longer, so you should consider the specific needs of your home when choosing an additive.

Some additives are more effective than others, but some general things to consider when deciding which one works best for you.

Does it contain a chemical formula? If so, what does it do? This can be helpful because each chemical formula has different properties that affect how well they work in different situations.

For example, suppose an additive contains sulfur dioxide (SO2). In that case, this means that it will dry out the moisture in the air because SO2 doesn’t react with water vapor—it just oxidizes other molecules into carbon dioxide (CO2) or water vapor at room temperature (which is why most people don’t think about adding SO2 into their homes).

Another example would be sodium chloride; this salt won’t absorb moisture from the air but will instead pass through filters without becoming saturated.

Drawbacks Of Using A Humidifier Additive

a dog next to humidifier
Drawbacks Of Using A Humidifier Additive

The use of a humidifier additive comes with various disadvantages. These include:

  • Mineral salts can harm pets, children, and others who may be allergic to them.
  • Essential oils can be harmful and allergic too. Some people may also experience adverse side effects after consuming essential oils or plant extracts in their products (such as nausea).

Some plant extracts are unnatural and should not be consumed by humans or animals without a doctor’s prescription!

How To Choose The Right Humidifier Additive?

When choosing a humidifier additive, there are a few things to consider. The first is the specific needs of your home and how it will be used.

For example, if you have allergies or respiratory problems, then an additive might not be right for your situation.

You should also look at the ingredients in any product you’re considering buying—some additives contain chemicals or pesticides, which could cause health problems for those who use them regularly.

Some additives are also effective only when used with certain brands of humidifiers; others work better when applied at higher temperatures than others, so it’s essential to check both specifications before deciding which one works best for you.

Where To Buy A Humidifier Additive?

people buying humidifier additive
Where To Buy A Humidifier Additive

Here are some sites where you may purchase a humidifier addition if you want to add a little more humidity to your house:

  • Online stores that sell home improvement products
  • Hardware stores (like Home Depot)
  • Local hardware stores

How To Use A Humidifier Additive?

  • Add the additive to your humidifier
  • Add water to the humidifier
  • Set the timer for 15 minutes and wait for it to finish (it will take longer if you have a tankless model)
  • Check that there is enough water in the tank and that no overfill issue has occurred


Overall, the best humidifier additive is safe and will not clog your humidifier. It is also essential to find an additive that is compatible with your humidifier model.

Humidifier additives can help improve the performance of your humidifier and make it easier to maintain.

If you are unsure about which humidifier additive to use, you can always consult with a professional or read online reviews. 

There are many different types of humidifier additives available on the market, so you should be able to find one that meets your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a humidifier additive improve the performance of my humidifier?

Yes, a humidifier additive can help improve your humidifier’s performance. Additives can assist your humidifier to produce more humidity, making it simpler to keep your home at the right humidity levels.

Are there any risks associated with using a humidifier additive?

There are no risks associated with using a humidifier additive. Additives are safe to use and will not clog your humidifier. However, it is crucial to find an additive that is compatible with your humidifier model.

Will a humidifier help with my allergies?

Yes, a humidifier can help to relieve symptoms of allergies. Humidifiers help keep the air moist, reducing the number of allergens in the air and improving your breathing.

Can I use a diffuser as a humidifier?

No, a diffuser is not the same as a humidifier. A diffuser uses essential oils to create a mist, which can help to improve your mood and relieve congestion. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can help to reduce allergies and make breathing easier.


Kenneth Sine
Kenneth Sine

My name is Kenneth Sine, and I’m a product engineer who has been working with humidifiers for over ten years now. In my spare time, I write for, where I share my knowledge with others who want to learn more about the world of humidifiers.